1. Cancellations - 72 hours’ notice is required for 1-2-1 sessions. If the required notice period is not given, your session will be forfeited. As places on our classes are limited once you have booked and paid for your required sessions these are non-refundable or transferable. Cancellation of monthly packages are refundable as follows: After the first session 50%. After the second session: 25%. After the third session 0%
2. 1-2-1 fees do not include any parking charges and extra mileage charges may be made if travel time is more than 30 minutes
3. Help with Hounds reserves the right to cancel the contract (at any time & with immediate effect) if any dog/s under the contract do not respond well to the training plan (where the continuing of said contract is deemed, by Help with Hounds, to constitute a risk to safety).
4. All dogs will be on lead during training unless prior agreement has been reached with Help with Hounds. Leads and collar are safe and suitable for the weight and size of the dog. No extendable or slip leads are to be used.
5. The trainer will apply personal judgement and cut short a training session, if necessary, because of extreme weather conditions; including, but not limited to: excessive heat, torrential rain, thunderstorms and snow/ice. The decision to do so lies with the judgment of the trainer, for the safety of themselves, members of the public, other animals, and that of the recipient. In such circumstances, the decision to give a refund for that session (either complete or partial) is at the discretion of Help with Hounds.
6. The trainer will apply personal judgement and cut short a training session, if necessary, if the trainer feels that the dog is not coping well. In the case of anxious dogs, the trainer may do the initial session with the owner only or split the initial consultation into two shorter sessions.
7. Although Help with Hounds cannot fully guarantee a 100% success rate with any training plan, the methods used have a high success rate with clients who follow and practice them in the long term.
8. All methods used are kind, ethical and effective; however, they are not instant and take commitment from the client to work with their dog in the long-term.
9. All dogs that are known to have a bite history (either with other dogs or humans), or that have otherwise previously caused injury, need to wear a muzzle. Help with Hounds accepts no responsibility for dogs who are not muzzled, or otherwise kept under control, during the session or when working outside of the session. Failure to wear a muzzle when requested may result in the immediate termination of your support and a refund may not be offered.
10. Help with Hounds holds relevant insurance. However, any accident or injury during our training session will not be covered if you have failed to use the appropriate equipment or failed to follow the advice of the trainer.
11. Dogs must be always kept under control when the trainer enters your premises. Failure to do so (and any injury or damage caused by your dog/s being out of control) will be your full responsibility. In most cases, the trainer will meet you outside your premises first and, in some instances, we may work only outside… taking a hands-off approach and working at a distance (especially in cases of anxious dogs).
11. In some cases, a ‘stooge dog’ may be brought in to aid in training. You will be responsible for keeping your dog a sufficient and safe distance from the stooge dog and, if requested, will need your dog to wear a muzzle during these sessions.
12. You are happy for Help with Hounds to share success stories about your dog via social media, including the sharing of photos.
13. You agree to report/check in regularly about your dog’s progress, through either email, text, or by sharing on our Facebook page or respond to any communication from Help with Hounds. Continued failure to do so may result in a termination of your support.
14. In the case of behavioural issues, you agree to give consent to work with us and are happy for us to contact your vet on your behalf.
15. Classes run all year round in all weathers and will only be cancelled if conditions are deemed to be unsafe. If appropriate the class may be completed by Zoom.
16. Bitches that are is season will not be allowed to attend classes, as this is far too distracting for any male dogs and is in the best interest of the bitches health. Season can very unpredictable for any bitch and their welfare is my priority. You should still attend class to understand the training covered that week.
17. You the customer will inform Help with Hounds fully of any characteristics of the dog(s), which needs to be known for handling and care of the dog(s).
18. Training notes, emails and plans are not to be shared outside of your household
19. Dogs must be fully vaccinated to attend class. This is with your dog’s welfare in mind
20. You give permission for your dog to be exercised off lead (where applicable)
21. How We Use Your Personal Information (Data Protection)
All personal information that we may collect (including, but not limited to, your name, mobile number and address) will be collected, used and held securely and in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and your rights under that Act.
21.2 We may use your personal information to: Provide Our Services to you; Process your payment for the Services; Provide updates and reminders about bookings; and Inform you of new products and services available from Us.
You may request that We stop sending you this information at any time.
21.3 We will not pass on your personal information to any other third parties without first obtaining your express permission.
22. You are not permitted to film or take photos in classes. Video and photographs taken by Help with Hounds may be shared on social media.
23. Warm weather sessions. Will be low energy and in the shade. Always bring plenty of water for your dog. If the temperature is forecast to be 26c or above at the time of your class, the class will be either postponed, conducted via Zoom or cancelled. Whichever is deemed most appropriate for the class. 1-2-1 sessions will be kept indoors / in the shade and low impact. Classes at Blue bear are air-conditioned so are not affected by this.
24. If your dog is on the Dangerous Dogs list, you must comply to the current legal requirements at all times. If you do not, the session will be cancelled with immediate effect, with no refund.